Welcome to Dennis' Pile of Books

If you were to walk into my office, either at the church or at my house, one thing you would most likely notice many, many books. I have piles of books everywhere so it seems. I love books and surround myself with them wherever I am (at work, on vacation, in the bathroom... you get the picture). So welcome to my pile of books!

On one of my other blogs (Immersed in Mystery) I have a running list of books I have recently read, and ones I am currently reading. In the past few months I began writing short comments after each book title, these were sort of like mini-book reviews, really mini. I thought that rather than lose these comments in the future (I only keep 10 titles on the list at any one time) I would create a blog dedicated to the books I have read.

Having this blog dedicated to the books I have read will also allow me to expand on my comments, perhaps even expanding into a full book review on occasion. Each book will have its own entry, and after the initial 10 entries future books will be noted in this blog when I finish them (in other words the date of the blog entry will indicate the date I finished that book). Mostly this blog is for my own benefit (to help remember all I've read), but I also like to share good books with others. Occasionally I feel the need to warn people about a disappointing book - our free time is scarce enough as it is, no use wasting it on a book that isn't worth the time or effort.

I welcome other comments on these books, it is always interesting to hear how others react to a book I've read - so feel free to leave comments on this blog. And I'm always open to book suggestions from others, I've encountered some great books because of other people's suggestions. Enjoy browsing through my pile of books.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Lion, the Mouse and the Dawn Treader: Spiritual Lessons from C.S.Lewis's Narnia

by Carl McColman

Being a huge C.S. Lewis fan, I'm a sucker for any books that explore Lewis' writings (such as the amazing Planet Narnia by Michael Ward).  This book is a delightful read that reveals an underlying current in Voyage of the Dawn Treader... it really is about the Christian Spiritual journey.

Haile Gebreselassie: The Greatest Runner of All Time

by Klaus Weidt

An overview of this amazing Ethiopian athlete's life and accomplishments, however I was hoping for more of a biography of this fascinating hero.  This is not the greatest book of all time, but it does cover some of the significant points of Haile's amazing story (which is still being written, apparently Haile will run in the Marathon at the London Olympics - I will be watching!)

Woman, Love and Basic Rights According to the Qur'an

by Prof. Dr. Bayraktar Bayrakli

A gift from some congregational members who had the translator of this book as a tour guide in Turkey last year. Shows a more progressive approach to Islamic understanding. The English wasn't always easy to follow, and the cultural and religious differences also made this a bit of a tough read, but there were many new understandings I gleaned from this book.

Christmas: Festival of Incarnation

by Donald Heinz

Recommended by my good friend Paul Sartison. Excellent writing - an inspiring, enlightening and challenging examination of Christmas throughout the ages. I now have a deeper appreciation for what Christmas has been, and what it can be.

The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil

by Philip Zimbardo

My son's psychology professor recommended this book. A fascinating and thorough exploration of the role of circumstantial environment in evil behavior in humans. Looks at how 'good people' can get to the point where they engage in torture, genocide and other evil acts. Ends with a look at heroes, those who do manage to stand up to wrong, and confront evil.

The Book of Negroes

by Lawrence Hill

A fictional account of the African slaves in the Americas that is hard to put down, and hard to read at times, realizing how badly humans can treat one another.

Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle

by Chris Hedges

In light of current events in the United States I found this book an important, sobering read. Some of the chapters were disturbing to read, and the overall content of the book is enough to make a person mad. Thankfully Hedges ends on a somewhat positive and hopeful note. A call to action, to disgard distraction and get to work changing our world (particularly in North America).

The Big Book of Christian Mysticism: The Essential Guide to Contemplative Spirituality

by Carl McColman

A well written overview of Christian Spirituality. A volume filled with wisdom and insight, one I will return to in the future I'm sure.

Heaven's War

by Micah Harris & Michael Gaydos

A graphic novel with Charles Williams, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkein and Aleister Crowley as characters. One of the few graphic novels I have ever read, and similar in tone to Charles Williams novels (which are a bit unusual to say the least).